Male & Female Pattern Hair Loss – Androgenic Alopecia

Male pattern hair loss is the most prevalent cause of hair loss in men and typically follows a predictable pattern. It usually begins with a receding temple hairline, forming an “M” shape. Hair thinning then progresses at the crown of the head, creating a bald spot. Over time, these areas may merge, leaving a horseshoe-shaped fringe of hair around the sides and back of the head.

Male pattern hair loss is caused by genetic factors and the inheritance of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that converts the hormone testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This conversion via 5-alpha reductase creates oxidative stress, causing hair follicles to shrink, resulting in finer and shorter hair until the affected follicles eventually stop producing hair altogether.

Female pattern hair loss is the female equivalent of male pattern hair loss but tends to manifest differently. Instead of receding at the temples or developing a pronounced bald spot, women often experience diffuse thinning throughout the scalp. The part in their hair may widen, and they may notice a decrease in hair volume and thickness.

Genetics and hormonal changes can influence Female pattern hair loss, including fluctuations in hormones like oestrogen and progesterone.

When oestrogen levels decrease, testosterone can become more dominant. Genetically inherited 5-alpha reductase creates tissue-destroying free radicals that damage the dermal papilla and hair follicles, resulting in weaker, thinner hair.

Men suffering from significant Hair Thinning in their 20s

At puberty, there is a significant increase in the level of sex hormones – testosterone in males and oestrogen in females. If a young man has inherited a strong genetic predisposition to androgenic hair loss, he could start losing his hair in his mid-teens and already have marked hair thinning in his early twenties.

In cases such as this, it is unlikely that Tricotain will have a marked effect at stopping hair loss in young men simply because the genetic predisposition is too strong.

As you get to the end of your twenties then TTricotain is more likely to have an effect.


The Effect of Tricotain on Men aged 30+

Tricotain is more effective on men entering their 30’s and beyond because their genetic predisposition towards androgenic alopecia is milder, making it easier to prevent this type of hair loss.

This is not due to lower levels of testosterone in their bodies; it is because they have inherited lower levels of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT, and it’s the oxidative stress and free radicals associated with the 5-alpha reductase enzymes that cause hair loss.

The Effect of 5-alpha reductase on Women

In many women, menopause does not affect their hair; however, those with the inherited 5-alpha reductase enzyme can experience significant hair thinning. The hair becomes finer and doesn’t grow as long as before. Eventually, the scalp may become more visible.

The cause of this type of hair loss is the same as in men. During child-bearing years, oestrogen levels are very high. Because oestrogen positively affects hair growth on the scalp, any androgenic-related hair loss is suppressed. But at menopause, when the level of oestrogen falls, any androgenic-related influence can have a negative effect by restricting hair growth. This results in a characteristic hair thinning on the front and top of the scalp.

Tricotain offers a solution by countering the oxidative stress associated with androgens, promoting healthier hair growth.